12 Days 2009, #7: Miracle of Minorin
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! Continuing in CCY’s Twelve Moments in Anime 2009:
12 Days 2009, #7: Miracle of Minorin [ISML]
Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it! Continuing in CCY’s Twelve Moments in Anime 2009:
12 Days 2009, #7: Miracle of Minorin [ISML]
Continuing in my list of Twelve Moments of Anime 2009, we come to one of the hottest topics of the summer.
12 Days 2009, #8: Endless [The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya 2009]
While spoilers are the norm around here, I feel I should warn people again for this post—there are enormous spoilers for Clannad and After Story here, and if you haven’t seen them both all the way through then you should probably do that instead of reading this post. But if you have, or you’ve played the visual novel, please enjoy the ninth of my Twelve Moments of Anime 2009.
12 Days 2009, #9: True End [Clannad ~After Story~]
Today’s entry in the Twelve Moments of Anime project 2009:
12 Days 2009, #10: Wordplay [Bakemonogatari]
I was planning on writing this post about K-ON! and how the first half of the series contained no non-moe portions, but when I sat down to start writing I found I didn’t have anything interesting to say. Instead, I decided to move up something I’d planned on writing about after the start of the new year, when I’ll be going through a few scenes that didn’t make the cut. So, without further ado, here’s the next installment of my Twelve Moments of Anime:
12 Days 2009, #11: Renton Gets Up [Eureka seveN: Pocketful of Rainbows]
I figured a good way to get back into blogging and revitalize this place would be to participate in CCY’s Twelve Moments of Anime project. Of course, this is why I’m writing my first post today, while everyone else is halfway done; unlike CCY (and apparently everyone else), I’m not crazy or skilled enough to blog while taking finals. However, I’m done with the semester, and ready to write, so here we go; my 12 Days will be counting down to the end of 2009, with the final post going up on December 31.
12 Days 2009, #12: Akagi’s Strategy [Akagi]
Amamiya Yuuko will be competing in an exhibition match in Arena 2.
Ever since the spring, 64 characters have been battling in the International Saimoe League. After 45 matches in 5 periods, two competitors — ARIA’s Mizunashi Akari and Touhou’s Remilia Scarlet — will face off in a tiebreaker match this Friday. However, since a normal round involves 32 matches, this Friday’s round will include 31 exhibition matches that won’t have any official bearing on the ISML standings.
I suppose this is a bit of an odd post for me, since I’m not particularly active in the fan community. But there’s something I need to satisfy within myself in this upcoming round of voting.
And, we’re back. Again. After a week, I’ve recuperated enough to write about my second Anime Expo. Contrary to my first AX last year, I didn’t experience the culture shock of being surrounded by thousands of other anime fans. I didn’t feel nearly as out-of-place as I did last year. Surprisingly, this included my trip to the Maid Cafe, which was really quite fun and entertaining, and not the huge awkward-fest I had envisioned. The hosts and maids there were quite good at what they did, and I had a lot of fun.
Also in contrast to my visit last year, the industry panels at AX09 were relatively uninteresting. None of the companies I saw announced anything significant; significantly, no one announced licenses for Toradora! or Eden of the East. Hopefully, something good will happen with these series soon.
The culturally-oriented panels I attended were much more interesting this year. The OP/ED panel was especially entertaining, and while the VOCALOID panel was not exactly what I was expecting, it was also very cool. Last year, I found panels like these to be underwhelming, but this year they were quite good.
I promised myself that after the rush of the spring semester ended, I’d pick up this blog again and actually write on a fairly regular basis. I’ve watched plenty of anime since I the last post; Akagi, Sola, K-ON!, Eden of the East… the list goes on. I planned on using the copious free time in summer to finally put my thoughts down on so much that I’ve been watching, from the now-ending spring season and from the archives, old series I’m visiting or revisiting.
Unfortunately, that copious free time never materialized. Between research and an enormous amount of Left 4 Dead, I simply haven’t found the time to write. I’ll try to find more time in the upcoming weeks to write, but it seems that I won’t have the blitz of posts I originally intended.
But that’s not the point of this post. This post, written at 2am, exists because I’m going to Anime Expo. This year will be my second time at AX; I also went last year, and was amazed the entire weekend. However, I commuted in and out each day, which meant I had to leave by around 9pm, so I missed a fair bit of the con. This year, I’m doing it right; I’ll be staying in a hotel with a couple of friends. Here’s a tentative list of things I want to do:
I missed Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu when it was first released. The general sense at the time was that it was pretty good, but somehow I never got around to watching it until now.
Iriya no Sora, UFO no Natsu is nearly 5 years old now; I really should have seen it before now.
Now that I have, I can say the reviews were right. Iriya is an entertaining little series; I found it both funny and touching. It follows a young boy’s summer, as he meets and befriends a mysterious girl, Iriya Kana. The boy, Asaba, develops a relationship with Iriya, but discovers that she’s the last pilot capable of defending the planet from an extraterrestrial invasion.