enkindled fervor

July 16, 2009

Ever since the spring, 64 characters have been battling in the International Saimoe League. After 45 matches in 5 periods, two competitors — ARIA’s Mizunashi Akari and Touhou’s Remilia Scarlet — will face off in a tiebreaker match this Friday. However, since a normal round involves 32 matches, this Friday’s round will include 31 exhibition […]


Anime Expo 2009: Welcome, Internet! (or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Exhibit Hall)

July 13, 2009

And, we’re back. Again. After a week, I’ve recuperated enough to write about my second Anime Expo. Contrary to my first AX last year, I didn’t experience the culture shock of being surrounded by thousands of other anime fans. I didn’t feel nearly as out-of-place as I did last year. Surprisingly, this included my trip […]


Rebuild of Musings from Beyond the Clouds

July 1, 2009
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I promised myself that after the rush of the spring semester ended, I’d pick up this blog again and actually write on a fairly regular basis. I’ve watched plenty of anime since I the last post; Akagi, Sola, K-ON!, Eden of the East… the list goes on. I planned on using the copious free time […]